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MFE-IM Group Attends US-EU TTF Conference

The MFE-IM group travelled to Asheville, NC to participate in the US-EU Transport Task Force (TTF) conference, joining researchers from across the country and the European Union to present work related to turbulence and transport in fusion plasmas. The group delivered two talks as well as presenting…

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Six first-author contributions from MFE-IM members at DPP 2023!

This year’s APS-DPP conference was a special one for the MFE-IM group, as it was the first time since the formation of the group with significant MFE-IM presence. In Denver (CO), MFE-IM students, postdocs and scientists enjoyed meeting with collaborators, learning what the US fusion community …

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MFE-IM members attend 2023 IAEA FEC conference

MFE-IM scientists Nathan Howard and Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez attended the 2023 IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (IAEA-FEC), held in beautiful, rainy London (UK) the week of Oct 16th. Groundbreaking results from the fusion community were shared, from the new JET DT experiments to negative triangularity…

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MFE-IM welcomes new members and an exciting new academic year!

Fall 2023 is the first semester when MFE-IM is an official PSFC group, and we start the academic year welcoming new graduate students, postdocs and visiting students!

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PSFC officially forms MFE-IM group

The MFE Integrated Modeling (MFE-IM) “interest group” started in the Fall of 2021 as an informal gathering of researchers, postdocs and students to discuss research and progress in several different areas of tokamak modeling. Meetings run for three semesters and members engaged in discus…

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